August 25, 2015

SWOT Analysis of Kit Kat and Nestle

SWOT Analysis of Nestle
Ø  Strengths
o   Nestlé have a high market share. Nestlé is delivering its product to 
almost all countries in the world. Globally its share in the market is quite substantial. The first quarter sales of the year 2010 for the group were 26.3 billion with 4.8% internal growth. 

o   Nestlé has one of the most advanced research and design capabilities through which they introduce new products every year giving the brand a huge advantage over its competitors.
o   Nestlé has not only been forming partnerships with other leading companies, but is also acquiring several others, resulting in remarkable growth. 

o   Nestlé is a reputable brand and is well known almost everywhere, as its products are used by millions of people each day. 

Ø  Weakness
o   Inability to provide consistency in the quality of their food 
products, as Nestlé often has to call in many products due to poor 
supplies or contamination, hurting the image of the company. 

o   Nestlé has faced a lot of criticism on a variety of issues, such as the horsemeat scandal and child labor, which it has not been able 
to avert. 

Ø  Opportunities
o   The increasing demand for healthy food products has opened up an 
immense market for companies. Nestlé in response to the health 
trend tries to introduce healthier food products. 

o   Nestlé is already engaged in partnerships with a number of major 
companies, such as Coca-Cola, and several others, opening doors of opportunities for the company. 

Ø  Threats
o   The brand’s irresponsibility to run thorough quality assurance on 
its products resulted in providing contaminated food and other products on the market, which can hurt the reputation of the company and lead to losses. 

o   Nestlé is the leading supplier of chocolate and cocoa products. The increasing trend towards healthy eating will result in major declines in demand. 

o   The demand for raw food is expected to increase as population and economy grows. As a result, Nestlé will have to face higher costs and tighter margins. 

SWOT Analysis of Kit Kat

Ø  Strengths

The main strengths of Kit Kat is its parent company. Because being owned by Nestlé, the world’s largest nutrition and food company that almost always success in all its products and brands. Nestlé has enough financial strength to keep up every products advertisement and promotions. Besides that, Kit Kat has another strength. Some of it are :
1.     Kit Kat has creative, simple and visible advertising where the 
slogan “Have a Break, Have a Kit Kat” created a hype among customers especially children and youngsters which creates high brand awareness.
2.  Kit Kat products are easily reachable as it can be found in small grocery until huge hypermarkets. 

3.     Price is not too expensive, compared to its competitors. 

4.     Kit Kat was the first product that comes up with a chocolate-wafer combination and until now its still more popular than Cadbury’s 
Time Out. 

Ø  Weakness
Some weakness of Kit Kat are :
o   Nowadays, people are becoming more health conscious and 
avoiding having chocolates. Moreover, Kit Kat does not have any health- conscious chocolate bars that attracts health conscious crowd. 

o   Packaging is a silent promoter for a brand and Kit Kat has not change its packaging style for some time. Possibility to attract more customers indeed is there if Kit Kat tries changing its packaging style. 

o   Kit Kat keeps experimenting with new flavors that keeps bringing out new flavors out in the market whereas the consumers just want to stick to its original flavors and most of the time these new flavors which it comes out with are flop in the market, such as Kit Kat Chunky Caramel flavor. 

o   Although has expanded a lot in some countries but in regions like Asia, Kit Kat still needs to enlarge and expand especially in small towns and villages. 

 Ø  Opportunities
o   Expanding market growth in emerging countries such as Russia, 
Brazil, India and China would be an excellent strategy to improve their revenue. Company can operating to establish a company in China And India for cheap labor. 

o   Growth of technology, helps Kit Kat continuously improve their product into a quality and environmentally friendly. 

o   Chocolate’s are also considered as substitutes of sweets. This is an opportunity for Kit Kat to bring out a chocolate packing that matches every occasion for example birthdays and religious occasions like Eid ( Idul Fitri ), Christmas, etc. 

o   Kit Kat can introduce more health based products for the health conscious society, such as low fat chocolate-bar. 

  Ø  Threats
Main Threats of Kit Kat is the increase or rising costs of raw materials, fuels, dairy cost and price of packaging and manufacturing that result in the increase of Kit Kat price. In reality, a lot of consumers want to get a product by pay with same price to get a good quality product. The other threats are :
1.     Contamination to the product that caused by the weather or 
irresponsible attitude of workers and quality check. 

2.     Huge competition with Mars, Cadbury and Twix in market where Kit Kat has to compete to remain an established brand and favorite 

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