August 24, 2015


             Love is powerful, it can give a big impact and contribution to the receipt. But, what actually is love ? Love is an abstract thing, it can’t be touch, it must be feel by our heart. Love is variety of feeling that express affection and pleasure. A lot of people relating love with a couple relationship. Actually, love is not only about a couple love, it can be about parents love to their children or parental love, teacher and lecturers love to their student, friendship love, love among citizens or in society and the most important is love from God to His peoples. In the most used search engine, Google, there are 3.560.000.000 search results of ‘love’ , when there are only of ‘war’ and 5.930.000.000 of ‘life’. This indirectly shows that people talk about love more than war and life. Why do people talk and search love ? Although love looks like a simple things, it can brings happiness and makes the world live in harmony. Love can change sadness into happiness , pain into joy, war into peace, and tears into smile. Love encourage people and make impossible things become possible things. Like a saying by Willa Silbert Cather, “Where there is great love, there are always miracles”. A great sincere love with believe and struggle can brings miracle. Each letter of ‘Love’ in this title stands to a word.
            L stands to Laugh. As love can change sadness into happiness and tears into smile, happiness and smile that love brings can make people laugh. As love is simple, laugh is also simple but it prove that you have a happy and blessed life. A child in a Korea Variety Show that I often watch ever said to his parents that when her father makes her laugh that is called love. Laugh is love, love makes people happy and when you happy, you’ll enjoy your life and appreciate our life and not life in vain.
            O stands to obvious. Love can’t be touch but it can be seen. A small simple sincere action that come from the deep real true heart is called love. When a little boy gives a half of his lunch to his friend that doesn’t have enough money to buy lunch , it actually part of love. But when someone just thinks to do it but in the end doesn’t want or not do it, it actually still can’t called a love. Love must be express through an action, not only just thoughts and words. Love without action is just a half of love.
            V stands to virtue. Love is virtue, it always brings joy and smile. True love never brings people to pain, sorrow and tears. When someone help other people in need in order to get benefit, it’s not a true love. Love never try to get benefit. It always do anything with a sincere heart. Just like a couple that looks like love each other, but nobody knows that the man actually just date the woman to get her money. It’s not a true love but a fake love. In other hand, when a man still date and the end married with a woman although he knows that the woman is blind, its actually a real and true love become the love come from his real heart.
            E stands to eternity. Love doesn’t have an expired date, it’ll still exist until the person died. The most obvious eternity love is love between God and his peoples. Love between a couple maybe can gone but God never stops loving his peoples. Sometimes His peoples forget Him because a lot of things, such as money, job, ambition, etc. But God never forget His people, He keep loving and blessing His people’s life. He waits patiently until His peoples realize that He is the most important in the world and turn back to Him.
            Love is relation between people and people, people with God and God with people. Love is important and gives a lot of good things to the receipt. The most everlasting love is from God. God’s love is valid and infinity. Maybe it can’t be really seen and sometimes people don’t realize it but from all good things and event that happen in our life, we know that it’s come from God’s love. Love is unlimited. It can be happen anywhere, anytime to anyone. The most important thing is love makes people enjoy the life and be grateful to the life.

“Where there is love, there is life” – Mahatma Gandhi –

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