July 10, 2015

What is Plannning, Organizing, Actuating and Controlling?

Management (manage) has 4 main functions or jobs. There are planning, organizing, actuating and controlling. All of them are sequence and related each other. Organizing can't be done before we do planning. Actuating can't work without organizing, and so on. Planning, organizing, actuating and controlling are step by step that we need for achieving our goal. They also can be described as ladder. Our plan is the base or just like the floor that used to place the braces of the ladder. Our goal is the destination of our ladder. After stepping every step of our ladder, we will arrive in our destination.
Planning is the first level or step of our ladder. Planning is important because it will affect the other steps. Just imagine if a ladder don't have the first step but have second, third and higher step. How can we go to second step if there aren't first step as the bridge to help us. Planning consist of plan, step, and goal. 3 of them must be clear and understandable. It must explain what we will do, what the purpose and how do you want to do it?
If the first step is good and prepare enough, we can continue to the second step that is organizing. The plan that we made must be develop and organize into more specific. Not limited on the purpose and way to do it, we must develop it into tools that need (what we. need?) and organize it by dividing the job or activities to everyone (who will do it?).

Not just organize the plan, to achieve the goal we must actuate our organize plan. Stop in organizing or procrastinating the actuation will delay our goal's fulfillment. To make the actuation run smoothly, an actuator is needed. A good actuator can actuate and organize the others to do the job as the plan. To make sure is the job run as the plan we need to do controlling. Controlling is the last step of our ladder.  If there is something wrong in our job either in actuating or organizing process we must quickly solve it, after solve finally we arrive in our goal. By do the things step by step combine it with good leader, good teamwork, respect and hard work we will make the plan become real and achieve the goal.

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