February 08, 2014

The Script of Three Little Pigs

Pig 1


Narrator                 : Once upon a time three pigs left their mother´s home and went into the world.
Three Pigs             : Good-bye Mother.
Mother                  : Good-bye my little sons.
Narrator                 : The three pigs went different ways. Soon pig 1 met a man who was selling straw.
Pig 1                         : I need some straw, would you sell it to me?
Man                           : Of course. Take it.

Narrator                 : Pig 1 paid the man and went to buid his house. Later, Pig 2 met a man who was selling wood.
Pig 2                         : Please Sir, I need some wood to build my house. Would you sell it to me?
Man                         : Yes. Take it.

Narrator                 : Pig 2 paid the man and went on his way to make his wood house. Later, Pig 3 met a      man who was selling bricks.
Pig 3                         : Excuse me Sir, I need some bricks. Are they for sale?
Man                         : Of course. Take them.

Narrator                 : Pig 3 paid the man and went on his way to build his brick house. When the three pigs finished their houses they moved in. Pig 1 was taking a nap when someone knocked at the door. Pig 1 looked through the window and saw a wolf.
Wolf                        : Little pig, little pig, let me in!
Pig 1                         : Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin.
Wolf                        : Then I´ll huff andI´ll puff and I´ll blow your house in.

Narrator               : The wolf huffed and puffed and destroyed pig 1s. house. Pig 1 ran all the way to pig 2s. house. When he got there Pig 1 told Pig 2 what had happened. Pig 2 invited Pig 1 to live with him. After a few days, there was a knock at the door. The two pigs looked out the window and it was the wolf.
Wolf                        : Little pigs, Little pigs, let me in!
Pig 1 and 2             : Not by the hairs on our chinny-chin-chins.
Wolf                        : Then I´ll huff andI´ll puff and I´ll blow your house in.

Narrator                 : The wolf huffed and puffed and destroyed the house. The pig brothers ran all the way to pig 3 house. When they got there pig 1 and pig 2 told pig 3 everything  that  had happened. Then pig 3 invited his two brothers to live with him. After a few days, there was a knock at the door. The pigs looked out the window and they saw the wolf.
Wolf                        : Wolf: Little pigs, Little pigs, let me in!
Pigs 1, 2, and 3     : Not by the hairs on our chinny-chin-chins.
Wolf                        : Then I´ll huff and I´ll puff and I´ll blow your house in.

Narrator               : The wolf huffed and puffed several times but he couldn´t destroy the brick house. Then the wolf decided to think what to do, so he went and sat in a log. Meanwhile, the three pigs started cooking dinner. They put a large pot of water in the fireplace to cook some soup.
Wolf                        : I know what to do. I´ll get in through the chimney and I will eat those pigs.

Narrator                 : The wolf climbed up to the roof. But he didn`t know that there was a pot of boiling water at the bottom of the chimney. Then the three pigs heard a noise.
Wolf                        : I´m coming to get you cutie pigs!

Narrator                 : The wolf then jumped down the chimney and fell into the pot of boiling water.
Wolf                        : AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!

Narrator                 : The wolf jumped back up the chimney and ran into the woods. The pigs lived in peace and never saw the wolf again.

The End

Author                    : Joseph Jacobs
Moral                      : When you do a job, do it good.

Moral Value         : Patience, Hard Work, Perseverance

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